Today, some 1.6 million people living in Israel have some kind of disability (about a fifth of the population); among them, some 700,000 people have severe disabilities that inhibit their daily functioning.
People with disabilities are more vulnerable than the rest of the population to various difficulties and have a hard time maintaining full quality of life and realizing their rights to participate in society and in all walks of life.
Bank Mercantile has internalized the ethical and legal need to enable clients with disabilities to receive accessible and respectful service and ensures constant accessibility at its branches as well as respect for the dignity, privacy, and freedom of people with disabilities.
Our commitment to exemplary service is highlighted. We are called upon to also provide all services that exist at the Bank to persons with disabilities in a manner that is egalitarian, independent, comfortable and secure, not only because it is required by law but also out of our sincere belief that it is the right thing to do.
Bank Mercantile assigns great importance to performing accessibility accommodations for people with disabilities and has been making an ongoing effort to improve accessibility.
These accommodations are done in accordance with the requirements of the Equal Rights for People with Disabilities law and its regulations; according to which the Bank continuously improves its accessibility in terms of ensuring accessible structures, infrastructures, and environments, as well as in terms of service.