- Mercantile
- Info
- Conditions of Use
Welcome to the Bank Mercantile Discount Ltd (the bank) website (the website)
Following are the conditions of use on the website, which determine what is permitted or prohibited when using the site and which define the bank's responsibility for the information available on the site.
Using the Mercantile website is subject to these conditions and testifies to your consent to them. Therefore, you are requested to read these conditions thoroughly.
The conditions have been phrased in the masculine for convenience purposes only, but are intended for both males and females.
Information on the website is either written or presented as pictures and other means of illustration.
These conditions of use apply to all the information and services available on the website (from here onwards for convenience purposes only, they will be termed "information").
The information on the website is intended to provide you with initial clarifications.
Consequently, it is not comprehensive or exhaustive and makes no pretence at replacing the bank's official publications.
The information on the website cannot extract all the aspects of the issue that it is dealing with.
Furthermore, the information on the website is updated at the time of its initial publication and the fact that, after the initial publication, there could be changes to it, which are not yet reflected on the website, must be taken into account.
Therefore, the information does not constitute a part of the official publications and the bank's documents that are binding on the bank and it does not replace them.
In the event of incompatibility between them and the information, the bank's publications and documents shall prevail over the information published on the website.
We make consistent efforts to ensure that the information on the website will be examined, updated and free of errors. Nevertheless, faults, distortions, proofreading errors and other defects could occur in it from time to time.
in the event of mistakes and errors in the information, only the contents of the bank's official publications and documents shall prevail.
The information is offered on the website as Is. It is not intended to answer to the needs, abilities and purposes of each and every person.
Nothing in the website content and the information is intended as an offer, guidance, solicitation or advice for executing any transactions, investments or any activities whatsoever by the bank and none of their content constitutes an alternative to advice or professional and personal treatment taking each customer's personal data into account.
Personal consultation obligates familiarity with the special circumstances of each and every event.
Such familiarity is impossible via the website.
The bank is in no manner whatsoever responsible for any damage or loss whatsoever caused as a result of relying solely on information presented on this website.
The website contains a glossary of terms and definitions,
which is intended to assist you in understanding the concepts that you're likely to come across.
While we have made every effort to give precise explanations integrated on the website, these explanations are not legally binding and they should not be afforded any legal force.
They are not exhaustive and are intended solely for general understanding and knowledge.
The website pages and all the information in it are the private property of the bank.
You are entitled to use the information solely for private personal purposes.
This information may not be copied, published, presented publicly, made available for public disposal and used for any other purpose and, in particular, for any commercial purpose.
The rights of ownership of the information, including the right of distribution and any other intellectual right in the information are solely those of the bank unless otherwise stated.
The titles and names that appear on the website are trademarks and names of the bank and no use, which could prejudice the bank's intellectual rights, may be made of these titles.
The entire website, the website pages and all the information appearing on it, the software on which the website is based, information and material that are accessed via the website are provided and are at your disposal - as is - as at the present.
You may contact us via the website in order to receive details about services and products that you wish to receive. When approaching, us, you will be asked to furnish personal details such as your name, identity number, means of communicating with you.
You must only furnish correct, exact and full details.
Erroneous details are likely to prevent making contact with you or result in the fact that you are given erroneous data about products and services that you wish to receive.
Erroneous details furnished intentionally in order to mislead the bank, Heaven forbid, could even be deemed to be an offense.
Therefore, make sure that you furnish exact details.
The details that you furnish will be saved in a data bank owned by the bank.
The bank will only use them pursuant to the website's privacy policy
This website could contain links to other websites, which are not activated by the bank, but rather by others and to online information that does not originate at the bank.
We are not the publishers of these websites and this information. We do not control them and do not inspect them.
It is possible that you will find that this information is not suitable to your needs or that you object to tits content.
Remember at all times that the fact that the website links to these websites and information is not proof of the bank's consent to their content and does not constitute a guarantee as to their reliability, updating, legality, the procedures of the owners of the content in the field of privacy and any other aspects involved in activating them.
Consequently, the bank does not bear any responsibility whatsoever for the content appearing in them and/or the activities on the websites as such or for the various services offered on these websites and for any result caused because of relying on the websites and such information or by virtue of using them.
The bank is entitled to remove websites included on it in the past at its sole discretion.
We respect the privacy of users on the site. To this purpose we adopt strict information security measures.
Information furnished by you on the site is likely to be saved in the bank's information bank and the bank is likely to activate software that accumulates information about your activities on the site and to offer you banking services reliant on information extracted from the site, which constitutes express consent for this.
Nothing contained in these conditions prejudices the validity of any other agreement between you and the bank.