Bank property

Accessibility accommodations on Bank property

All Bank Mercantile branches are accessible to people with disabilities.
These accessibility accommodations include adjustments to furniture, signage, access paths, service kiosks and waiting areas, height differences between levels, and self-service machines, as well as parking areas and services for people with disabilities and so on. Likewise, the Bank works with external stakeholders (such as local authorities) to ensure that the required accessibility accommodations have been performed on the access routes to Mercantile branches, that parking areas for people with disabilities have been allocated, and that an accessible path from the road to the branch entrance is in place.

Installation of assistive aids at branches

Mercantile branches which have been made accessible feature assistive tools, such as:

  • Induction loop hearing aid systems - An assistive hearing device which broadcasts directly into hearing aids set to T. The system includes a receiver to increase volume, for direct hearing by ear without background noise.
  • A bidirectional sound system - Some teller stands have a buffer between the service provider and recipient. This system includes a microphone and speaker on both sides of the partition and makes sound louder on both sides.
  • An assistive call system - The CALL HEAR assistive call system has been installed at the entrance to the branch. When the call button is pressed, a representative of the service staff will arrive immediately to provide assistance with any issue.

Accessibility accommodations on self-service devices:

  • Caspomat ATM - Height adjustments were made to make ATMs more accessible to all our clients. Additionally, there is an option to receive voiced instructions on performing withdrawals of New Israeli Shekels in Hebrew. To hear the voiced information, clients must hook up their own earphones.
  • Mashov machines - Accessibility adjustments have been made for people with disabilities including height adjustments to make the devices accessible for all clients.
  • Appointment management kiosks - Tactile keyboards have been installed at branches with automated appointment management systems, high-contrast colors have been selected, and clients can hook up earphones to hear voiced operating instructions. Likewise the height of the device is adapted for our clientele.

Accessibility Arrangements at our Branches:

All Mercantile branches are accessible to the special-needs population in all ways, including:

  • Comfortable access to the branch.
  • Service for people with disabilities at the branch
  • An adapted Caspomat ATM for people with mobility impairments
  • An adapted Caspomat ATM for the blind and visually impaired
  • An adapted service desk
  • Aids for hearing impairments