Keeping you safe and informed

Secured online services

Mercantile takes responsibility also on the Internet – your peace of mind is our responsibility

At Mercantile Bank we commit to taking full responsibility for unauthorized withdrawals of funds from your account via the Internet.
The responsibility applies to the withdrawal of funds by a third party who is not authorized to operate in your account, and who operated without your knowledge or permission, without your consent and without your cooperation.

The Bank will credit your account with an amount equal to the amount of the funds drawn from your account, provided that you have notified the Bank in writing of the event no later than 30 days from the date of its occurrence.

The granting of our responsibility is conditional upon your confidentiality regarding your password and information in your accounts and compliance with the instructions posted on the Bank's website and with your consent to cooperate and assist the Bank as required in the investigation of the event.

The Mercantile access control mechanism

Mercantile Bank is constantly working to renew, refresh and develop measures that ensure safe browsing and secure execution of transactions at mercantile@internet.

We use the most powerful security and encryption systems in the world.

The Bank operates an advanced system that guarantees customers that they are browsing the Mercantile Bank website.

(Extended Validation Ev- SSL):

When you enter the bank website and account on the Internet, a prominent green ID appears in the address bar indicating that the security level on this site is the highest.

When you click on the address bar, you will be presented with information about the owner of the website that confirms your browsing on the website is secure.

For your information, the green address bar identification is only available on secure web pages (https://) in the latest versions of common browsers.

Additional services that help increase the security of your account at mercantile@internet

Customer actions and access to information regarding his/her accounts are stored on the Bank's computer systems.
To protect data transmitted online, all site traffic is encrypted with 128-bit SSL encryption.
We make every effort to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of data and information in your account.

Nevertheless, you must guard your internet account access passwords, protect your personal workstation (by anti-virus software and protection software), and be alert to unusual and suspicious behavior.

These actions will enable you to securely access accounts and perform banking operations, anywhere and anytime.