Keeping you safe and informed

Secured online services

We take many steps to ensure that your access to your mercantile@internet account is secure:

  • You can log into your account only by entering: ID/membership number + personal password + ID/Mercode*.
  • The system verifies the “strength” of the password and the ID code in order to prevent the use of passwords and easy to guess codes.
  • Your account cannot be viewed from multiple computers at the same time.
  • After several minutes of inactivity in the system, the service will be disconnected by the security mechanism.
  • The first login to the account must be done within 30 days. If you have not used the password you received at the branch for 30 days from the date of joining the service, the password will be canceled automatically.
  • The system will require you to change your password after 180 consecutive days in which your password was not changed.

How do I change my password for mercantile@internet?

  • Select a password and ID that include at least 6 characters.
  • The password and the ID code must include numbers and letters.
  • Avoid passwords and codes that are easy to guess; for example, repeated or consecutive characters.
  • We recommend changing your password every 60 days or when you suspect that your password has been exposed or used without authorization.

How do you protect your password?

  • Do not store your password and personal code in a place exposed to foreign parties.
  • Change your password and ID code frequently. It is recommended to change them even more frequently than required automatically by the system.
  • When accessing the system, make sure that the last date and time you logged into the account are correct.
  • Your password is personal and constitutes a direct access to your bank account. It should not be shared with other parties, including those that offer services that facilitate the management of the account or the connection to the Bank. This is because access to your account may be abused and you risk the possibility of fraud, theft of identification details, and your information.
  • It is very important not to re-use the same password for other websites; further use increases the chances that your password will be exposed and your account broken into.
  • Your password and ID code should not be given to anyone, even someone claiming to be a Mercantile Bank employee.
  • For your knowledge – bank representatives will not ask you to provide your identification details by phone or email. If you are asked to do so, you must refuse and immediately report to Online Customer Support.

Why has access to your account been blocked?
To protect your account against unauthorized access, your account will be blocked after several unsuccessful login attempts. If your mercantile@internet account is blocked, please follow the instructions on the screen.

In case of suspected disclosure of information, unauthorized access to the account or suspicious activity in your account, please report to the Bank's Internet Support Center at 03-9439343 or via the Contact Us form.

Rules for safe surfing online:

  • Log in only from your PC.
  • Protect your PC with updated antivirus software.
  • Protect your password. Do not reuse your password, do not save it in a visible place or browser, or give it to anyone.
  • Access the bank's website only by typing the URL or from a link in your Favorites or from the Mercantile App.
  • Pay attention to addresses that appear suspicious to you, frightening and stressful warning messages, unprofessional design, misspellings and garbled language.
  • Do not open messages or requests to enter identification details, passwords or credit card information – these messages do not come from the Bank!
  • Protect your smartphone with automatic locking.
  • Do not install apps from an unknown source.
  • Most importantly – if you encounter a threat or anything suspicious – immediately notify the Internet and Cellular Support Center at 03-94393743 or via the Contact Us form.

Safe browsing from your mobile phone
In order to safely surf on your smartphone, follow the instructions below:

  • Only the original Mercantile Mobile App must be installed. The App is distributed by the Bank and is in online official app stores.
  • Avoid running foreign apps that are supposed to facilitate account management or connection to the Bank's website in particular and to sites in general. You risk being exposed to fraud and theft of your identification details and information.
  • Absolutely avoid passing on the password to your mercantile@internet account to any other party because access to your account may be abused.
  • Use the app only from a mobile device operated according to the supplier/manufacturer's instructions and which has not been breached and has not been modified, which may disable built-in security mechanisms on the device.
  • Do not store personal passwords and codes on your mobile device (or even your computer) that may be exposed to malicious software, Trojan horses, spyware, file sharing software, and other hostile elements.
  • Your Password and ID code are confidential and personal!
  • Lock your smartphone with a password.
  • When you finish using the Mercantile App, be sure to disconnect from the app in an orderly and complete way using the “Exit” button.
  • Avoid sending confidential information by email and/or SMS, such as: user name, ID code, passwords and data about your credit cards.
  • When you log in to your account, the last time you signed in to your account will be displayed on the Home page. Check that the time is correct for control.
  • If you have submitted your device for repair or sale, remove the “Mercantile Cellular” app from your mobile device.
  • If you suspect that suspicious activity is taking place or that your information has been disclosed, please report it to the Information Security Center via the Contact Us form or the Internet Support Center at 03-9439343.

How can you ensure that your PC is protected?

  • Install anti-virus software from a company that is known on the market.
  • Avoid downloading files from an unknown source and avoiding installing these files on your computer.
  • Avoid surfing and entering dubious websites that try to lure you with benefits and gifts.
  • Avoid opening windows of other sites while browsing the Bank's website and the operations website.
  • Install software that blocks “pop-ups”.
  • It is recommended to use Personal Firewall and Anti Spam software, and these programs must be updated regularly.

Have a good and secure trip

Just before you travel abroad, here are our recommendations regarding all channels of activity with your bank accounts.

The guidelines for safe surfing on the internet site from Israel are valid also for browsing from abroad.

Further emphasis and precautions are required for your stay abroad:

  • When you access wireless networks (Wi-Fi), all your activity and information transmitted, including your passwords, are exposed and may be used for hostile use.
  • You will usually be required to declare that you are aware that your activity is exposed and that the Service Provider disclaims any responsibility.
  • Be careful when choosing your wireless network; avoid browsing your account from an unknown network or from a network that seems suspicious to you.
  • If you receive a warning from the browser that the data traffic is suspected to be unencrypted, do not confirm the continued browsing of your account on the Bank's website.
  • The app's sign-in page shows your last day and time of entry to your account, for your own control.
  • Verify the date of your last entry into the account, and make sure that no exceptional activities have been performed and/or are not familiar to you.
  • Be more careful about guarding your laptop and/or mobile phone. Make sure that they are always in your possession or in the safe of your room or in any other secure place.
  • Access your account online only through the official address of the Mercantile website. Accessing links to various sites may lead you to an impersonator site.
  • After all content checks, especially at the airport and customs gates, make sure you have collected your laptop and/or mobile phone and that you have it with you.
  • Do not let anyone use your computer and/or upload information to it.
  • If you have to deliver a component to be repaired, make sure it is a laboratory/support that is reliable and recognized and that the repaired component will be returned to you as soon as possible.
  • Be sure to remove the Mercantile apps from your components, as well as any other classified information before delivery or sale to others.
  • If you suspect that suspicious activity is taking place or that your information has been disclosed, please report it to the Information Security Center via the Contact Us form or the Internet Support Center at 03-9439343.
  • We wish you a pleasant, enjoyable and safe trip!